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Случайные: анекдоты, истории, мемы, фразы, стишки
08 марта 2019

Всякая всячина

Тексты, не попавшие ни в основные, ни в читательские, ни в повторные. Собираются и хранятся исключительно в научных целях. В этот раздел вы заходите на свой страх и риск. мы вас предупредили!

Меняется каждый час по результатам голосования
Здравствуйте. Вас беспокоит служба безопасности Сбербанка. У вас есть сейчас время?​

Сказать "нет" хозяину​ бархатного голоса? Ни за что! Слишком редко выпадает возможность пообщаться с приятным молодым человеком
История совершенно несмешная, и в общем-то, вовсе и не история, но тем не менее:
Всех женщин сайта, независимо от местонахождения, активности на сайте, политической ориентации, цвета кожи и степени замужества поздравляю с первым весенним праздником! Желаю вам быть любимыми и любить! Дарить радость и не болеть! А так же взаимопонимания и отсутствия материальных проблем!
Germania utro- 2 s vidu prilichnye damy(tetki moego nachalnika Mr.Gregor Stewerding)- sidyat s polomannymi
telefonami odna snachitelno rasvodit palzy, vtoraya miroljubivo pyet kofe- teti ne nuzhno gotovity fishing na segodnyashnjuju nochy-
karikatura Игорь Ревякинvy pereputali v Kieve - kotschej bessmertnyj ne Homik V.P. amoy barak franzus
franzus moj barak -u vas v barake 6 povrezhdenij v rasnyh stranah- vyplatite mne dengi kto zhe vam pochinit esli ne ya hihihihi
moj barak franzus SAGEM France-ta dolzhen mne dengi eto kredit kotoryj ya hahaha yakoby tebe predostavlyaju idi plati -tebya etsche vdobavok zhentschiny franzuzhenki ne ljubyat??????? snachit ty tak ploh, ne porti ljudyam nastroenie, ty nadoel s 1968g
Tamara Magasiner otkljuchi uzhe svoi signaly doma kv75, tam u tebya kakie-to malchishki zhili ili rabotali-sachem oni menya dostajut?
Tamara kak ty ne ponimaeshy u menya tut kavaler i tut ya prichesku delaju i tut tvoi malchishki
Lida Voloshkina kievskij telegraf-pochini svoi povrezhdenia telex v napravlenii Kiev Avstria,
Avstria vy u nas krutye spasibo ne pishite i deneg ne platite, hihihihihi
Serezha Durakov-kievskij telegraf -tut opyaty begajut tvoi rodstvenniki, dyadi uzhe vse probezhali tepery teti poyavilisy
o moj saraj -bolee glupogo najti trudno, eto zhe moya mama slomala plecho, ee nuzhno bylo srochno sabraty is teatra, papa skasal priehaty v teatr Если русская девушка идет куда-то с мужчиной, она может даже не взять кошелек. Раз с мужчиной — значит он платит. Они могут даже не встречаться, он может нигде не работать, или у него могут быть трудности с деньгами. Часто это вовсе не учитывается. Если же мужчина отказывается платить за все и предлагает поделить расходы пополам — это конец. Катастрофа., kto zhe stoboj v teatr pojdet ty zhe staryj v vosraste papika
Отец пропердел нейлоновые трусы:
«Что поделать, сынок, я работаю с агрессивными средами.»
Пишу мемуарную книгу на местной мове, сиречь по-английски, со множеством лирических отступлений. Одно из отступлений получилось несколько неожиданным для меня, поскольку времени систематизировать опыт никогда н было за 20 с лишним лет. Вот решил выложить сюда, может кому-то покажется интересным. Кто плохо читает по английски - яндекс переводчик выдаёт качественный русский перевод, я об этом позаботился.


Okay, my reader, now that I let you skim the taste of the world I came from, you should understand why I can’t take seriously any American problems that I know about. I came from the place that was fucked up so masterly that even the devil gave up his jurisdiction over it. As you may expect, your survival in that place is completely your own problem. After living in that place for forty one years, I can only see Americans as spoiled brats, who completely lost their survival skills. Most people don’t know how to make a fire, drive a nail into a wall, cook food from scratch, laundry their underwear without a washing machine and do dishes with their own hands. They can’t add two and two without a calculator and walk three miles to a grocery store if their car is broken. Their level of illiteracy is appalling.

As a psychiatrist I know that most of adult problems start in childhood. It’s even more true in America, where childhood never ends. Women in America become mothers for the first time when women in Russian of that age are already grandmothers. Most American families are dysfunctional, children are lazy, arrogant and disrespectful, with enormous sense of entitlement. Public school system is a pathetic travesty and a waste of taxpayer’s money despite of excellent material equipment. On top of that, juvenile justice made impossible to properly raise a kid even for a normal family by declaring any physical punishment of children a felony.

Everybody knows that due to the laws of he natural world most kids are no better than monkeys. A monkey would never obey a “no” and a “must” unless they are accompanied with a noticeable slap on a butt in case of disobedience. The majority of children, who are deprived of conscience and the sense of responsibility, and whose fathers are stripped of the right to plant those virtues in their children’s heads through their butts, become adults only physically. But mentally they remain fragile and selfish adolescents, who are not capable to manage themselves in the adult world full of rules and responsibilities.

Those asocial neurotic creatures cannot handle a serious job, be a reliable friend, or run a family. Spared of proper physical punishment that was supposed to shape up their behavior in childhood, they start getting numerous civil punishments as adults in a form of fines, job terminations, social rejection, and in many cases, imprisonment. Thanks to juvenile justice, only few kids, who were bestowed a sense of responsibility and order, can grow into decent humans. Just like in dogs only a part of the litter is capable to become service dogs, similarly in human not everyone is capable to become a model citizen. The rest of the human litter is a biological by-product that Americans themselves contemptuously call “trash”.

American trash and Russian proletariat are very alike. Those creatures only have a shape of a human being but otherwise they are asocial disorganized crude animals, who can barely take care of themselves, let alone making themselves useful to their country. They are nothing else than national shame and a burden to the society. The authorities cannot remove that garbage from the streets until they committed a crime. All they can do is police the neighborhoods on the taxpayers money. Cities, counties and land owners put the notorious signs “no loitering”, “no soliciting”, “no trespassing” and “cameras in use” in order to keep this human trash away from normal population but it does not help much.

I also was shocked when I found out how many American kids are diagnosed with ADHD and forced to take pills that mess with their brains. What is it? A sudden epidemic? It’s obvious that most of them are over-diagnosed, and the real reason of their inattentive behavior at school is the lack of a proper combination of physical punishment, verbal stimulation and rewards that creates the necessary reflexes and habits and forces a child to focus on their schoolwork. Neither their semi-literate teachers, who work for pennies, nor their trashy parents, who fight every night and take Prozac, are able to provide them the right upbringing, and pharmaceutical companies are using this loophole to the fullest.

If you look at the root of the problem, it becomes clear that Americans are overly focused on the material aspects of life, ignoring all its cultural aspects except sports. It is a consequence of the United States being an immigrant’s land, that is, a multi-national and multi-cultural society, which does not have a unified national culture. Therefore a person’s good cultural background cannot be appreciated by people of other cultures and thus, does not have much value on a national level. Money and other material possessions are the only multi-cultural language of success. For that reason very few people want to improve their culture as much as they want to command a higher income. As a result, there are ways more millionaires in the United States than cultured people.

That systemic lack of unified national culture and its replacement with primitive unified business etiquette, forced by that shitty situation, makes the material resources, that are abundant in America, useless and even harmful to the physical and mental well-being of the American population. What people can’t use for their own good turns into evil. That said, it must be clear that talking separately about fast food issues, teenage pregnancy, illiteracy, crime, drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence and other topics does not make any sense. All those problems ascend to the lack of culture, caused by the lack of a unified cultural environment as such.

That unified cultural environment cannot appear by itself. It can only be built in a tight collaboration between “we the people” and “them the government”. But American people have an nasty attitude towards their government. While they trustfully believe any bullshit they were told in their churches, they are very leery about the government and fiercely oppose their meddling into people’s life, including attempts to civilize them. As a result, government can only pitch in the civilizing process when an individual goes to prison. For millions of American people prison is the place where they start getting their first social skills and education that they could not receive at a proper time in their uncultured environment abundant with material resources. This is especially true for African American men.

Author Alex Shlenski
Posted on December 21, 2018
Categories Рабочие проекты
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Самый смешной анекдот за 23.04:
- Почему вас выгнали с предыдущего места работы?
- Ну, пришел я в молодой дружный коллектив и начал саморазвиваться. А надо было работать.